New Delhi: Affle’s mediasmart platform today announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with the leading customer intelligence platform, Lifesight, to bring advanced audience data and independent footfall attribution solutions to its self-serve programmatic platform. Through the partnership, mediasmart will be able to expand its offer on newer footfall tracking tools and leverage high-quality audience segments based on O2O interest and intent for their clients within their platform.
Footfall measurement makes it possible for advertisers to measure the number of people entering a store and can be directly linked to attribute the impact of Drive-to-Store type advertising campaigns for offline advertisers. This thus helps advertisers create targeted messaging based on the user’s location patterns and measure real-time impact of their ads.
Commenting on this partnership, mediasmart’s CEO Noelia Amoedo said, “We live in a connected world where a user’s online and offline personas meet and interact at various touch points through our smart devices. mediasmart’s advanced technology coupled with Lifesight’s data and audience solutions will help our customers communicate effectively with the users to get more value out of their campaigns.”
“We are witnessing a rapid evolution in consumer behavior and it’s getting increasingly more difficult to keep up with the connected consumer journey, hence it’s more important than ever for marketers to leverage data to optimize ad spend and improve ROI. I am extremely pleased to see Lifesight’s trusted audience data and independent footfall attribution solution being made available on mediasmart, the leading mobile advertising platform, which further validates our data and insight capabilities,” said Tobin Thomas, CEO of Lifesight.