Ramky Enviro launches ‘Clean City Delhi’ App

Efforts towards Sustainability Development further strengthened with the launch of the “Clean city Mobile App”

The app has been developed by Delhi MSW Solutions (a Ramky Enviro subsidiary) & North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC)

Delhi, 2 November 2021: Delhi MSW Solutions, a subsidiary of Ramky Enviro, one of Asia’s leading providers of comprehensive environment management services launches a mobile-based application – “Clean city Delhi”. The app was launched by the Standing Committee Chairman – Jogi Ram Jayan alongside other dignitaries namely Director in Chief – Pradeep Bansal, Keshavpuram Zone Chairman – Sri Yogesh Varma, Assist Commissioner – Praveen Singh, and Dy. Commissioner, Keshavpuram Zone – Naveen Agarwal, IAS.

The user-friendly app developed by DMSWSL helps the citizen of Delhi to track the location of the waste collection vehicle in real-time after entering a designated area and it’s route map.  Citizens can also register grievances online through this application.

Ramky Enviro launches Clean City Delhi App
Ramky Enviro launches Clean City Delhi App

Speaking at the launch, the Leader of House North DMC, Sh. Chil Bijari, said, “The launch of this app is a boon for the citizens of Delhi after the ongoing IEC programs helping the public do better waste segregation & disposal practices. Sh. Jogi Ram Jain Chairman standing committee said that the launch of this app is a milestone in achieving the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister towards a Garbage-free India and we are very delighted to have Ramky Enviro strategically operate at this level in the city. I urge people to download and use the app aligning their daily practices with the notions of being ‘environment friendly and protective’.

Chairman DEMS committee also welcome the launch of this app and urges RWAs to avail the facility to improve sanitation standards.

Commenting on the launch, Masood Mallick, JMD, Ramky Enviro said, “Technology integration and innovation is today the most significant enabler of environmental and social transformation. We are increasingly leveraging and integrating IOT, GIS, real-time tracking and social platforms to make our sustainability solutions more effective, participative and inclusive. The launch of the “Clean city” app is yet another in-house initiative that will empower the residents of Delhi to digitally track the management of waste generated in their vicinity, help us enhance segregation at source, encourage more recycling and upcycling of waste, offer suggestions for improvement and also enable transparent grievance redressal and improved service levels. ”

The key features of the app include: 

  1. Live Door to Door Vehicle Tracking system for the Citizens allowing to view the daily route of their Door to Door waste collection vehicle.
  2. The app is strategically planned to source information of the last visit of the collection vehicle in their respective areas and data on the next collection schedule.
  3. The app is also equipped with a Grievance redressal system.






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