Top 8 Behavioral Competencies to Look Out For in a Job Interview

Job interviews are an important part of the hiring process and can be overwhelming for both the interviewer and the candidate. It is important to be aware of which competencies should be assessed in an interview to ensure the right candidate is chosen.

The top eight behavioral competencies to look out for in a job interview include communication, problem-solving, self-motivation, teamwork, decision-making, conflict resolution, organizational skills, and customer service.

These competencies are essential to assess so that the interviewer can gain an understanding of the candidate’s ability to perform the job and fit into the company’s culture.

This article will discuss each of these competencies, what they mean, and how to identify them in an interview. Knowing the essential behavioral competencies to assess in a job interview will help make the process more effective and ensure the right candidate is chosen.

What are behavioral competencies?

Behavioral competencies are the skills and abilities needed for success in a job. They are different from qualifications or technical skills because they focus on how an employee might act or react in certain situations.

They are used to predict how someone will perform on the job based on how they have performed in the past. This can help employers hire the right candidates and reduce the chance of hiring unproductive employees. Behavioral competencies include communication, problem-solving, self-motivation, teamwork, decision-making, conflict resolution, organizational skills, and customer service.

Employers should look for these competencies in job candidates to determine who they hire. These competencies can help employers narrow down the group of job candidates to those who are most likely to succeed.

Top 8 behavioral competencies to look out for in a job interview

8 Behavioral Competencies to Look Out For in a Job Interview

The top eight behavioral competencies to look out for in a job interview are communication, problem-solving, self-motivation, teamwork decision-making, conflict resolution, organizational skills, and customer service.


This competency is about how the candidate communicates with others. It is important to assess this communication because it helps the company understand how the candidate will communicate with colleagues and clients.


The ability to solve problems is crucial to any job. This competency is about how the candidate will solve issues that arise. It is important to assess problem-solving because it will show how the candidate will solve issues in the workplace.


An employer wants employees who are motivated to work and perform well. This competency is about how the candidate acts when they are not being supervised. It is important to assess this competency because it will show how the candidate will perform when left on their own.


Teamwork is important for almost any job. This competency is about how the candidate will work with a team. It is important to assess this competency because it will show the candidate’s ability to work with others.


This competency is about how the candidate will make decisions. It is important to assess this competency because it will show the employer how they make decisions. It will also show whether they make good decisions.

Conflict resolution

An employer wants employees who can resolve problems without creating new issues. This competency is about how the candidate will deal with conflict. It is important to assess this competency because it will show the employer how the candidate will deal with conflict.

Organizational skills

This competency is about how candidate can organize themselves and their work. It is important to assess this competency because it will show how the candidate organizes their work. It will also show how well the candidate uses time.

Customer service

This competency is about how the candidate interacts with customers. It is important to assess this competency because it will show how the candidate will interact with customers. It will also show how well the candidate handles complaints.

How to identify these competencies in an interview?

Behavioral competencies are assessed by asking questions about past experiences. When asking questions, it is important to stay away from questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. Instead, use open-ended questions that will require the candidate to explain their answer.

This will give the employer a better idea of how the candidate behaves. Behavioral competencies can be identified by asking the candidate about their experiences.

For example, when assessing the candidate’s communication skills, ask them to describe a time when they had to communicate information to a group of people. This will give the employer an idea of how they communicate and whether they are effective.


Behavioral competencies are important to assess during a job interview because they will help you determine which candidate will perform the best in the job and fit in with the company culture. It is important to identify these competencies because it will help you select the right candidate for the job.

These eight are the most important to look for in a job interview. It is important to be aware of which competencies should be assessed in an interview to ensure the right candidate is chosen. The top eight behavioral competencies to look out for in a job interview include communication, problem-solving, self-motivation, teamwork, decision-making, conflict resolution, organizational skills, and customer service. These competencies can help employers narrow down the group of job candidates to those who are most likely to succeed.

Authored by: Ravinder Goyal, Co-founder of Erekrut HR Automation Solutions

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